Senator Nan Orrock
Standing Committees:
- Agriculture and Consumer Affairs
- Health and Human Services
- Higher Education
- Interstate Cooperation
- Science and Technology
- Urban Affairs
President of the Women Legislators’ Lobby (WiLL), a national network of women state legislators launched by Women’s Action for New Directions (WAND)
Nan Grogan Orrock is the President of the Women Legislators’ Lobby (WiLL), a national network of women state legislators launched by Women’s Action for New Directions (WAND) in 1991. She is responsible for the overall coordination of WiLL: recruitment, communication with members, material development and production, issue identification, and coordination with WAND.
A veteran of the civil rights and women’s movements, Nan served ten terms in the Georgia House of Representatives as the first female House Majority Whip and is serving her first term in the Georgia Senate. She is founder of both the Georgia Legislative Women’s Caucus and the Working Families Agenda Caucus.