Women, Peace and Security: EU and NATO Priorities

On Janury 29, 2013 the PN Secretariat took the opportunity to participate in a discussion on the priorities of the EU and NATO with regards to their policy on Women, Peace and Security.

HE Ambassador Beata Pęksa, Permanent Representative of Poland to the Political and Security Committee, in cooperation with WIIS Brussels, cordially invite you to an informal evening debate with:

Stavros Lambrinidis, EU Special Representative (EUSR) for Human Rights


Mari Skåre, NATO Special Representative for Women, Peace and Security

moderated by

Cristina Gallach, Head of Public Relations, Council of the European Union

As of September 2012 both Special Representatives’ appointments have given a voice to the respective institutional commitments to human rights and gender dimensions of security. With the backdrop of UNSC resolution 1325, they show the commitments to the values of human rights, gender equality and role of women in the realm of conflict prevention and resolution.

The debate will serve as an institutional dialogue in how the mandates of both Special Representatives can strengthen these causes and ensure coherence in the security related policies and activities of the EU and NATO.

An event report is availible on the website of WIIS Brussels.

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