Dr. Karl von Wogau

Dr. Karl von Wogau
European Parliament
Christian Democratic Union (CDU) / Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)
Other current affiliations: 

Secretary General of the Kangaroo Group

Previous other affiliations: 

Chair of the EP Subcommittee on Security and Defence (2004-2009)


Dr. Karl von Wogau, a German politician and security expert, is an Honorary Member of the European Parliament and currently serving as the Secretary General of the Kangaroo Group.

He was a member of the European Parliament for the period of 1979-2009 and Chairman of the European Parliament’s Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy from 1994-1999. In 1998, he was the spokesman for the European Parliament at the Extraordinary Plenary Meeting of the European Parliament on the introduction of the Euro. From 2004-2009, Dr. von Wogau served as Chairman of the Subcommittee on Security and Defense in the European Parliament. At the same time, he was a Member in the Delegation for relations with NATO, Substitute Member in the Committee on Foreign Affairs, and Member of the Special Committee of the European Parliament regarding access to sensitive information on European Security and Defense issues.

Dr. von Wogau studied law and economics in Freiburg, Munich and Bonn. He received his Doctorate on the constitutional history of Vorderösterreich. Since 1984, he has been a partner in the law firm Friedrich Graf von Westphalen & Partner in Freiburg.