PN Coordinator Agnes Venema Attends NATO Conference on UN 1325

December 09, 2013

On Monday, December 9, 2013, PN Coordinator Agnes Venema will attend the "Gender Mainstreamning in Prevention, Management and Resolution of Conflicts" Conference at NATO Headquarters. The conference will focus on UN Security Council resolution 1325 Women Peace and Security. Discussing major issues of the role of women in progressive peace and security movements, the conference will include major global players in the current debate. 



9:00 Welcome remarks by Ambassador Kolinda Grabar, Assistant Secretary General for Public Diplomacy

9:20 Introduction to the Program by Mari Skarem, NATO Secretary General's Special Representative for Women, Peace and Security

9:30 Panel on "Applying a gender perspective and ensuring women's participation in crisis management and peacekeeping operations: Lessons learned"

Scene setter: NATO and its Operational Partners in ISAF and KFOR have recently concluded a reveiw of Practical Implications of UNSCR 1325 on WPS for the Conduct of NATO-led Operations and Missions. Other organizations are also gaining experience integrating a gender perspective in opeations and contributing to the implementation of UNSCR1325 on WPS and related Resolutions in a crisis management and peacekeeping environment. What have we learned? How can a gender perspective help us deliver on operational objectives? What is the impact of our activities in teh countries which host our activities? How have we, through crisis management and peacekeeping operations, contributed to the overal implementation of UNSCR 1325 on WPS and related Resolutions? What are the roles and responsibilites of the different actors?

Chair: Ambassador Stpehen evans, Assistant Secretary General for Operations, NATO


  • Helene Lackenbauer, Research Team Leader for the Review of Practical Implecations of UNSCR 1325 on WPS for the conduct of NATO-led operations and missions, Swedish Defence Research AgencyCarole Doucet, Senior Gender Advisor, Department of Peacekeeping Operations and Field Support, UN
  • Mercedes Garcia-Perez, Head of Division CPCC.A.1 (Civillian Planning and Conduct Capacity/ Conduct of Operations)
  • Litha Musyimi-Ogana, Director, Women, Gender, and development Directorate, African Union
  • Charlotte Issakson, Gender Advisor, ACO

10:30 Coffee break

10:45 Debate

12:15 Informal lunch in the Salon des Ambassadeurs. Presenation by Leeda Yaqoobi, Program Director, Afghan Women's Network on "Women Security in Transition", AWN-Cordaid-APPRO

13:45 Panel on "Applying a gender perspective and ensuring women's participation in prevention, management and resolution of conflicts: The way ahead" 

Scene Setter: Based on our lessions learned, what are good stategies ensuring rapid progress and greater impact? What are the key tools we need to strengthen? How can teh different actors work better together?

Chair: Maria Skare, NATO Secretary Genreal's Special Representative for Women, Peace and Security


  • Chantal de Jonge Oudraat, Executive Director, Stockholm International peace Research Institute, North America, Associate Vice President of the United States Institute for Peace
  • Daniel de Torres, Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed forces and Executive Director Brussels Office
  • Hanna Sands, Gender Advisor, Ofice of the Senior Gender Advisor, OSCE
  • Saeed Parto, Director of Research, Afghanistan Public Policy Research Organization
  • Dagmar Schumacher, Director, UN Women Brussels Office

14:45 Debate

15:45 Coffee Break

16:15 Concluding remarks by Mari sakre, NATO Secretary General's Special Representative for Women, Peace and Security

16:30 Departure



Photo by Utenriksdept.

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